Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cheese, Herbs & Ham Bread

I am always cracking my head every morning on what breakfast to serve my Princess and Prince so that they will eat up their breakfast fast enough. I have given food like bread with jam/Nutella, milk with KoKo Crunch as well as cake but seems like they always talk their own sweet time, chatting and eating away.

I remembered grandma says she like the texture of the Danish Bread loaf so instead of rolling the dough with butter, I used the bread dough recipe as my bread base. I added 1tsp of Thyme and Basil each, 2tbsp of shredded cheddar. After 1st proof, roll 100g of dough out, wrap with ham and cut out shapes with cookie cutter. Set aside to proof. 

As for the balance dough, I shaped into loaf and braided the balance dough tt I used for the cut-out bread. Haha.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen from My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Alice from I Love.I Cook.I Bake

Herbs, Cheese & Ham Loaf (slight modifications)
200g Bread Flour
50g Cake Flour
150g Water with 1 Egg
1/4tsp Salt
1tsp Yeast
30g Sugar
15g Butter
1tsp Thyme
1tsp Basil
2Tbsp Shredded Cheddar
1 Slice Apple Honey Baked Ham


  1. Even my children are quite grown up now, I am still cracking my head over breakfast,lunch and dinner. Great to serve your bread for breakfast!

  2. ha ha ha!!! ... sorry that I can't help laughing. Priscilla, your car and hello kitty bread are not car and kitty anymore after baking :p

    I saw that Nigella did the same in one of her books too. She said it is fun doing this although the bread is not going to look like what they should be... Have fun experimenting your baking :D


  3. Lian,

    Yes... Always thinking wat BF will entice my 2 sleepy heads to eat n enjoy BF..


    Yes. But hor, out of shape to us, it still is HK in their eyes lo.... Cos she saw me cutting them out... She keep saying I wan eat my HK bread... Lol...

  4. Hi Priscilla,
    You're not alone
    I have the same headache about breakfast and what to bring to school!
    Most of the time their breakfast is just like what u mentioned - bread/toast with nutella/jam/cheese slice/butter+chocolate rice, or honeystar/kokokrunch with milk, or cake/cupcake/muffin
    And their lunchbox is usually bread too with the same filling, or burger o rice with nuggets, or fried rice
    Your bread looks good, this can be of a change for my kids. Thanks for the idea :)
    And thks for linking this up to LTU cheese :)
