Sunday, April 28, 2019

懒人皇后吐司 (Lazy Queen Toast)

Decided to bake a toast for tml’s breakfast at 8pm+ and decided to go to this recipe which I bookmarked. The name is so cute and ingredients are easily available. The toast looks so soft and yummy from her blog so i gave it a try! 

First time to see my loaf stand so tall! And I followed her method of knocking on 4 sides before pouring my toast out. Apparently it will make the toast be straight instead of a ugly waistline after cooling down. Amazing right!!

Loved the hue of the yellow on the toast, guessing its from the 2 eggs in the recipe! Bread is soft and light. So difficult to slice them into thin slices! 

Can you see how soft it is? Lying on my bread knife! Gosh!! Ultimate taste would be having them the next morning! Hope it stays soft and nice!!

Can you see the fluffiniess?? I pair it with salmon mayo, more mayo & chilli sauce! Yummy breakfast ❤️❤️

懒人皇后吐司 (Lazy Queen Toast), recipe adapted from 辣妈Shania)
2Eggs + Water 200g
35g Sugar
3g Salt
300g Bread Flour
45g Butter
2.8g Yeast

1) Arrange as per sequence above, and bake in breadmaker. 
I am using Donlim - 甜面包 function #4, 750g, med brown
2) Slice when completely cooled, store in airtight. 

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