Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Flourless Protein Brownie

Been wanting to try this kind of protein brownie for the longest as sometimes you just crave for that RICH CHOCOLATE DESSERT. But yet at the same time, you dont want to indulge in so much sugar at the same time. So usually I go for my dark chocolate to satisfy my cravings. 

Today took some time to do a quick mix. Bascially just mix them up or for me, I throw them in my thermomix easy mixing. Barely 5 minutes work! 

The taste is rich, not sweet but super super rich in the chocolate taste that can satisfy any chocolate cravings. Texture wise, its not too dry, slightly soft and crumbly. I would say it almost taste like a chocolate pound cake!

I would recommend to eat it with yogurt as topping if you are worried that the chocolate taste is too rich, and balance off with some tangy strawberries or blueberries! It goes so good as a breakfast when you crave sweets! 

Flourless Protein Brownie (adapted from 小红书)
3 Bananas (apprx 250g)
2 Eggs
50g Yogurt
120g Protein Powder (I use choc flavour)
50g Sugar (can replace with 
1tsp Baking powder
30g Cocoa powder
50g Oat milk (can use any of your choice)

1) Mix banana, eggs, yogurt well (Thermomix: 1min Speed 3)
2) Add in remaining ingredients and mix well (Thermomix: 30sec Speed 3)
3) Top with some nuts or chocolate chips of your choice
4) Bake 170deg x 35mins

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