Monday, September 9, 2013

Falling sick during school holidays

So frustrating to fall sick when it's the 1-week school holiday. Guessed I could have caught a cold over the weekends with the irritating hot and cold weather. In and out of air-con without a cardigan. Luckily my kids were spared and they are both jumping about at home. 

It's weekday and I didn't want to make hubby troublesome and tired from rushing to get dinner, fight the bad peak hours to get home. I decided to cook 老鼠粉 soup with Roast Pork for dinner. Simply boil a pot of water with Ikan Billis, simmer for 15mins. Took out my roast belly to thaw. Went for a nap to sleep away my flu.

With reference to my previous roast pork, I modified slightly since it was a bit saltish for the skin the previous round. I reduce the salt to marinate the meat, smeared salt on the skin of roast pork. Baked in oven as usual but realized that after 45mins of baking, the skin not really crispy still. I end up 'toasting' the pork belly, skin down on my happy call pan til crispy.

Lightly scrapped the burnt parts away and chop chop chop. Here I go, with my simply dinner on a rainy day with a sick chef!

Roast Pork (slight modification from previous attempt)
1 Roast Pork Belly
2Tbsp 5-Spice powder
1/2Tbsp Salt
1Tbsp Pepper

2Tbsp salt to smear on skin of pork belly

1) Wash, poke the pork belly. Dry it and coat the meat with above marinade. 
2) Wrapping the bottom part of Pork Belly, using my hands to smear salt on the skin. Bake at 180deg for 45mins. 
3) Remove from oven, take out foil. Skin facing down, put on HappyCall Pan and toast til crispy. Scrap of burnt parts and serve warm.

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