Friday, May 7, 2021

Cucumber w/Shrimps & Eggs

A comfort dish that I grew up eating and long forgotten about it. Suddenly I remembered as I hd a pack of cucumber in the fridge! LOL! 

I super love the gravy for this dish and I can jiak many rice with the gravy and eggs! Dont worry about the shrimps cos I can give them to you! Eggs and gravy is yummy enough! 

Cucumber w/Shrimps n Eggs
4 mini cucumbers
3 eggs
2Tbsp dried shrimp soaks
2 clove garlic
Fish gravy to taste
1/3 cup water

1) Saute mode hi, Saute dried shrimps n garlic with 1Tbsp oil til fragrant.
2) Add shrimps n stir fry. Once change col, add in cucumbers and mix.
3) Add in water n bring to simmer then lower to Saute mode low til cucumber is soft
4) Add eggs n mix them up. Once eggs is cooked, serve warm 

Tumeric Grilled Kembong
4 Kembong, slit
1Tbsp kembong
2 clove garlic, slice
1tsp salt
1tsp sesame oil
Black pepper

1) Marinate with above for 30mins
2) Grill on hi x 10mins, halfway thru flip

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