Been craving for this 梅菜扣肉 since 2 weeks back and decided to cook myself. Outside usually more sweet or salty which i dont really like.
I love to stew mine with pig intestine and chicken liver as I love to eat them! Everytime i braise or stew something, I need to add them to my dish! Lol!
The preserved vegetable comes salted. So you need to wash and open up the leaves stalk by stalk ti make sure you wash them clean of sand, and also to blanch them after washing to get rid of the saltish-ness. There was once i forgot to blanch, oh my, its so salty til i had to keep diluting with water!! After that I wash and rinse them again, squeeze away excess water then cut into portions. Approx a thumb length each.
Love to have then with plain rice, serve warm and with my favourite. If you like braised eggs, do boil some n leave it in the stew ❤️❤️
梅菜扣肉 (Preserved Vegetables w/Pork Belly)
300g Pork Belly, blanch and wash before cut into strips
300g Pig intestine, blanch
300g Chicken liver, clean
2 packets of sweet preserved vegetables
1 clove garlic, washed
3 thick slices ginger
1Tbsp sesame oil
2-3Tbsp oyster sauce
4-5Tbsp Dark Soy sauce
1Tbsp huatiao
Water, enough to cover the ingredients tip.
*Adjust the oyster sauce and dark soy sauce according to your taste
**Add more if drying up.
1) Stir fry ginger and garlic in sesame oil
2) Add in pork belly and fry til turns whitish in colour
3) Add in dark soy, oyster sauce, huatiao and mix
4) Add in enough water to cover pork belly and bring to boil
5) Add in preserved vegetables and mix well. Add more water to cover ingredients and bring to boil
6) Add in pig intestine and stir. Simmer for 30-45mins and check on pork belly.
Once chopsticks can poke through easily means its cooked. Take out n cut into smaller pieces. Do the same for pig intestines
7) Add in chicken liver and let it cook til done, scoop out and add before serving