Thursday, April 30, 2020

Homemade Chicken Strips

Decided to make some crispy chicken strips for the kids. This CB really making me find joy in food. I cant see any much interesting things to do everyday EXCEPT to cook and go around the daily chores. Life is boring, cooping at home. Haha~ 

Basically everyday shopping for food or nice cutlery, utensils, pots etc. Back to chicken, this chicken strips is basically lightly marinate and then dip in panko and deepfried. Goes so well for tea break or as a main dish for meal time. Kids super love and best thing its homemade so its not heavily seasoned! Have fun making them! 

Crispy Chicken Strips
1pc boneless chicken breast, cut into strips
2tsp garlic powder
2tsp onion powder
1tsp huatiao
1tsp light soy sauce
1tsp sesame oil
1tbsp cornflour
dash of pepper

panko crumbs

1) Marinate the chicken strips with above seasonings for at least 2hrs
2) Crack an egg 10mins before frying and mix it well with the chicken 
3) Coat with panko n fry til both sides are nicely brown. Serve warm

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