Thursday, September 19, 2019

Simple Sponge Cake - Revisit

Make them today to clear my optima sponge mix. Made a simple pandan flavour for everyone and some friends. Love the mild pandan fragrance and yet not overly sweet. 

I replaced coconut milk & pandan juice with milk. Rewriting this post so I can reference whenever I am baking a simple sponge with this premix. Light and fragrance. 

Simple Sponge Cake
250g Sponge Mix
4 Eggs
3Tbsp Milk
3Tbsp Milk + 1.5Tbsp Milk + 1tsp Pandan paste (mix well)

1) Beat Eggs n Sponge mix to balloon stage. It should be a thick consistency
2) Add in 3Tbsp milk while continue to beat at low speed
3) Pour in milk mixture at the side and fold in gently
4) Bake at 170deg for 30-45mins

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