Thursday, July 11, 2024

Traditional Sponge Cake

Today was impromptu bake as was planning for a trip to JB. End up plan was postpone, as such decided to bake and prep something for youngest classroom snack.

Saw this recipe a while back and bookmarked it. Instead of baking full recipe for a 6inch cake, I made them into small cupcake sizes and topped with his favourite oreo bits. 

The inside was soft and fluffy. But had a small small amount of flour bits as I was lazy to sift the flour. The sweetness was just nice and good to maintain as it is. Probably the next round I will be hardworking and sift my flour 😂 Definitely a keeper!

Traditional Sponge Cake
Recipe from Cookidoo, halve recipe
2 Eggs
55g Sugar
55g Cake flour
15g Milk
15g Oil
1tsp Vanilla paste
1) Add eggs and sugar - Insert butterfly whisk, 10mins, 50deg, Speed 3.5
2) Add in sifted flour - 20sec speed 2, reverse blade once the flour is added in
3) Add in milk + oil mixture - 15sec speed 2
4) Fill cupcake cases 3/4 full and add toppings (optional)
5) Bake 170deg x 15mins

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