Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Apple Cinnamon Muffin

Today decided to make these muffins, have bookmarked them for so long and finally got to it! Steps are very fast and straightforward. I use 1 apple instead of the 250g that recipe calls for as I dun wan to be left with 1/2 apples. When the batter is ready, it smells so good with the honey and cinnamon! oh my!

I bake them slightly longer than the recipes mentioned. And it comes out nicely browned and really smell super super good! I left them tilted to cool in the muffin tray.

Finally cooled down and i tore 1 to see the inside and check the texture. It is soft soft n slightly moist. I pinch a bit for taste test and I, myself love it! I believe the kids will love it as well! 

See how soft it is and it bounces back! I halve the recipe this round as no one to share the muffins with. Gonna be a work from home day the next day so I made the least I could with the recipe! Yummy! 

Apple Cinnamon Muffin
(recipe from Cookidoo, cut halve)
1 apple, approx 180g (recipe calls for 250g)
75g unsalted butter 
85 brown sugar (can reduce another 10-15g)
2 eggs
40g honey (can reduce to 30g)
150g bread flour
3/4tsp cinnamon powder
1/2tsp baking powder

1) Cut apples into quarter and set aside - 5sec speed 5
2) Add butter, sugar & eggs - 3mins 37deg speed 3
3) Add apples, honey, flour, cinnamon powder & baking powder - 20sec speed 3
4) Bake180deg for 25mins

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Today decided to make foccacia for the youngest for recess, add on some fruits and nuggets will be an enjoyable meal for him. 

This is my first time baking these after so long. With some advise from my dear advisor fren, she taught me to cold retard them before baking, best overnight but I dont have enough time to cool them in the morning so i left it til evening to bake them. 

Didnt know how to poke the holes and just randomly deco with some onions and cherry tomatoes. Sprinkle some rosemary herbs and I FORGOT TO SPRINKLE SALT! 

The end result seems ok, acceptable to me. Exterior is crusty, inside is chewy. Just that probably it would be nicer with the sprinkling of salt as it is slightly. Probably when we serve it with the mains and dips, it would balance out the taste. 

Go try it! Youngest accepted the taste means APPROVED!
Recipe from Cookidoo
20g Olive Oil
400g Lukewarm water, i use room temp
1.5tsp Yeast
500g Bread Flour
2tsp salt

Tomatoes, Onion, herbs & drizzle of Olive oil

1) Mix oil, yeast, water - 5sec speed 3
2) Add flour and salt - 20sec speed 6 then knead 2mins
3) Place dough onto greased baking tin and let it proof 1hour
4) Lightly oil fingers n spread dough out to fit the baking tin and let it proof another 30mins (I let it proof in fridge til I am ready to bake n bring to rm temp for 30-45mins)
5) Deco with the toppings and drizzle the olive oil
6) Bake 35mins at 200deg

Monday, July 22, 2024

Chicken Floss

Today decided to make some floss with chicken breast that I have. Would be a good snack for school when make into a sandwich. 

I love homemade floss as you can control the ingredients and you know whats in it. But of cos the flaw is that it doesnt keep as long as store bought as no chemicals or preservatives are used when you make it at home. 

The kids enjoyed having it as an extra topping for their meals! ❤️

Chicken Floss 
Recipe by Cookidoo
2 Chicken Breast (i replaced with chicken)
10g Sesame oil
40g low sodium light soy sauce
40g sugar
20g Shaoxing wine
150g water

1) Add chicken, cut into strips, sesame oil and light soy sauce - 5mins 100deg rv spoon
2) Add remaining ingredients - 30mins varoma rv spoon
3) Shred 5sec speed4
4) Continue cook 40mins varoma speed 1
5) Lightly bake 150deg x 10mins, halfway stirring them to further dry them up

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Pandan Chiffon

Baked Pandan chiffon early this morning as wanted to multi-task since I be going for facial during lunch time later. Wanted to eat lunch after back from work while working. 

Nicely browned, and love the smell when you bake with natural pandan extract. It smells so much fragrant when its baked with pandan leaves.

I think I didnt do a good job of folding them in this morning but thankfully it turns out well still. Not super fliffy but still moist and fragrant. Only thing is I think I would cut back a bit of sugar nxt round. 

Blending and using my strainer to get the juice out. And i mix it with coconut cream and fresh milk for a healthier version of it. Homebaked is always the best as you can adjust and modify the recipe to your own tastebuds and preference. 

All packed in boxes to bring to office to share with collits tomorrow. And leaving 1 at home for my family to snack, as well as packing them for lunchboxes tomorrow too. Took 1 container less and was saying that I didnt expect to have so much. Hub says ask me to leave the balance for him as he could finish them for me 😂 Must have smell so good. Go try it!

Pandan Chiffon Cake
Recipe from Cookidoo
Pandan Juice
100g Pandan leaves
250g Coconut water (i mixed 65ml coconut cream and top up balance with fresh milk)

220g Sugar
7 Eggs, seperate yolk & white
200g Grapeseed oil
1tsp Vanilla paste
280g Self-raising flour
20g Cornflour
Pinch salt

1) Blend pandan leaves - 5sec speed 9
2) Add coconut water - 1min speed 8
3) Pour out and strain out the juice, set aside
4) Clean bowl & insert butterfly whisk, add yolks and 150g sugar - 5min speed 3.5
5) Add oil, vanilla, pandan juice - 5sec speed 3
6) Add 150g flour and cornflour - 6sec rv speed 2
7) Add remaining flour - 10sec speed 2
8) In a clean bowl, insert butterfly whisk. Weigh 70g sugar
9) Add egg whites - 4min 37deg speed 3
10) Continue while adding sugar bit by bit - 3min 37deg speed 3
11) Slowly work in batches and add whipped whites to batter
12) Bake 40-45mins at 180deg

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Banana Muffins

Today decided to bake this Banana Muffins for school snackbox. Have bookmarked a while as am curious how it would taste baking with wheat flour. Sounds healthier to me in a way. 😂

The aroma of the cinnamon and nutmeg, even before sending to the oven smells so good. Already very excited to see the end products.

Waited patiently for it to cool down and Hub happen to have 1 for his tea break, just in time. I love such soft n fluffy bakes when all it took is less than 5mins to prep and send to oven. Can you see how soft it is? 

This is the flour I used. It says Super fine wheat flour. Shall explore more recipe using this flour and see what difference it makes. 

My firstborn came home and had 1 too. She is surprised how can muffins be so soft. Try it. 

Banana Muffins
Recipe from Cookidoo
1.5oz Butter
4.5oz Wheat flour
1.5oz Sugar
1.5tsp Baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 Egg
2oz Milk
5oz Banana (approx 2 banana)
1/4tsp Cinnamon powder
1/4tsp Nutmeg powder
Rolled oats & almonds bits for toppings

1) Add all dry ingredients and butter - Turbo 1sec x 4 times
2) Add in balance ingredients - Mix 6sec speed 5
3) Fill liners 2/3 full, sprinkle with toppings
4) Bake at 180deg for 25mins

Friday, July 12, 2024

Baked Egg Cups

Baked some egg cups for breakfast and lunchboxes to school. Decided to share a simple prep-ahead and yummy lunchbox recipe that I always play around with. 

I am using this ingredients for this batch. I always change the toppings around to make it feel like a different thing each round I made them. I tried brocolli, spinach, ham, chicken, sausages as well. It all depends what your family likes. This batch is the first time I am topping them with feta cheese ❤️

This is how their final lunchboxes looks like! Left is for my sec 3 firstborn and right is for ny pri 2 youngest child. Both have different preference and so I always try to pack them to the best I can. 

Sitting down to take 1 before my run after dropping the youngest to school. He also tried a mouth and pass it. Says he gonna come home and have more for lunch too. So happy and blessed when your family love the food you made. Even my second child also had it for breakfast this morning as he was asking what was it when I was packing. Another thumbs up customer! 

Baked Egg Cups
6 Eggs
Some milk, ard 20g
Ingredients of your choice :
I used capsicum, cherry tomatoes, corn, shrimps
Feta cheese, toppings 

1) Mixed egg n milk n beat well
2) Add shrimps and cling wrap
3) Prep all other toppings and set aside
4) Pour egg mixture into cupcake cases
5) Add in remaining toppings, feta cheese on top
6) Bake 180deg x 20mins

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Traditional Sponge Cake

Today was impromptu bake as was planning for a trip to JB. End up plan was postpone, as such decided to bake and prep something for youngest classroom snack.

Saw this recipe a while back and bookmarked it. Instead of baking full recipe for a 6inch cake, I made them into small cupcake sizes and topped with his favourite oreo bits. 

The inside was soft and fluffy. But had a small small amount of flour bits as I was lazy to sift the flour. The sweetness was just nice and good to maintain as it is. Probably the next round I will be hardworking and sift my flour 😂 Definitely a keeper!

Traditional Sponge Cake
Recipe from Cookidoo, halve recipe
2 Eggs
55g Sugar
55g Cake flour
15g Milk
15g Oil
1tsp Vanilla paste
1) Add eggs and sugar - Insert butterfly whisk, 10mins, 50deg, Speed 3.5
2) Add in sifted flour - 20sec speed 2, reverse blade once the flour is added in
3) Add in milk + oil mixture - 15sec speed 2
4) Fill cupcake cases 3/4 full and add toppings (optional)
5) Bake 170deg x 15mins

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

White Chocolate Chips Chewy Cookies - 2 styles

Today do not need to bake classroom snack as not sending youngest to school. So decided try making some matcha white chocolate cookies for firstborn. Have bookmarked this cookidoo recipe and planning to modify by adding some matcha powder to them. 

Thinking of trying with half the dough as youngest wont be able to try if I baked a full batch of matcha flavours.

This is how thin n crispy the cookies are. It is slight chewy with a bit of crunch. Overall i would says its quite fragrant and sweetness can be slightly reduced a bit more. The white chocolate chips added some sweetness to the taste of the cookies as well!

Added about 1.5tsp of matcha powder to the remaining dough after i scoop out half on the baking tray. Using the thermomix to mix the powder in for me in 20seconds. Very well mixed! This is how it looks like cross section. I would say the matcha flavour is not overly strong yet with a light matcha fragrant. And as I mentioned earlier, I would further reduced the sugar for this recipe. 

I actually reduced the white sugar and wanted to do the same for the brown as well. Accidentally poured in the amount called for 😂 This recipe is fast, just put all ingredients together, except for the chocolate chips, a quick 30sec and dough is ready. Another 20sec to mix in the chocolate chips! Nothing more to complain about!! 

White Chocolate Chips Chewy Cookies
Recipe from Cookidoo
120g Butter
100g Sugar (reduced to 80g)
80g Brown sugar (can be reduced to 60g)
1 egg
250g Plain flour
1tsp vanilla paste
1tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
100g white chocolate chips
1.5Tbsp Matcha powder (optional)

1) Put all ingredients in, except chocolate chips and matcha powder - 30sec speed 5
2) Add in chocolate chips or toppings of your choice - 20sec speed 3
3) Take out half batter, and add matcha powder to remaining dough in mixing bowl - 20sec Speed 3
4) Bake them with spacing as they will spread, 170deg x 15mins
5) Cool in tray for 10mins before removing them to cool further


Monday, July 8, 2024

Matcha Granola Muffins

Today i venture and decided to make this for my firstborn. Have seen this recipe previously and very intrigued to try out as it seems to be a low calories bake, without the use of flour. It uses banana to bind the ingredients together and i was keeping fingers crossed when i see it rises slightly while baking them.

I topped some with balanced banana slices, and some i experiment with white chocolate chips, leaving some original without toppings. 

The inside is slightly moist with a bit of crunch from the granola. Its a very interesting texture. The faint flavour of the matcha, not too overwhelming too! I love it.

Luckily firstborn love it too and says gonna have it for breakfast already! Me personally enjoyed it and luckily it passed hub’s fussy tastebud too as he always ‘failed’ my healthy bakes 😂

Do try it, its a very straightforward recipe. Just dumped all in and blend then throw in the oven already!

Matcha Granola Muffin
Recipe from cookidoo, with slight adjustment
9oz granola (i used matcha granola)
2 large eggs
8oz banana
2tbsp matcha powder
3oz brown sugar (i think can reduce 2.5oz)
3oz coconut oil
1tsp vanilla
1/2tsp salt
11/2tsp baking powder

1) Put all ingredients in - 20sec speed 6.5
2) Pour batter into cupcake cases and bake 20mins x 180deg

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Vanilla Madelines (Thermomix)

Today used cookidoo recipe to bake these lovely vanilla madelines for school. Whole house smells so nice while they are baking in the oven.

Back and resume routine, trying hard to go with my initial idea of reducing processed food as much as I can in their daily meals, and if possible for school snack/recess boxes.

I put balance batter into my minu donut pan as I wan to bake them all at a go. Didnt had time to oiled the pan, luckily all came out easily. 

They are buttery and soft. Smells great and goes well with my cup of coffee. Its so addictive that you cant stop at 1, even hub is complaining. ❤️ Recipe link is here

Vanilla Madelines (From cookidoo)
3.5oz butter, cube
2 eggs
3.5oz sugar (i reduced to 2oz)
3.5oz plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp vanilla paste
pinch of salf

1. Melt butter, 3mins 250F speed 1
Remove n set aside. Use it to oil pan and fridge til needed
2. Put in butterfly whisk. Add sugar, eggs, vanilla, 1min speed 3.5
3. Add flour, baking powder, salt, 5sec speed 5
4. Add in melted butter, 10 sec speed 3.5
Repeat 1more time
5. Pour batter into bowl n cling wrap. Chill for 1hr
6. Put 1 sponnful batter into madeline pan. Baked for 10-12mins 180deg

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Miso Grilled Cod


Simple grilled miso cod is family favourite to go with a bowl of rice! Normally I panfry over stove but yet I dislike the oily stove to clean up later.  

With my new gadget, Ninjafoodi, I only need 10mins to grill my Cod and it still comes out juicy and flavourful with that charred finish. Yums!!! 

Miso Grilled Cod
2 Cod fillet
1Tbsp Sesame oil
1Tbsp Mirin
1Tbsp Miso paste
1Tbsp Parsley
Dash of black pepper

1) Wash n pat dry cod fillet
2) Mix the above into a paste n rub all over the cod fillet. Leave it to marinate for at least 3-4hrs
3) Put them in the airfryer basket and grill them 10mins. Serve warm