Thursday, November 29, 2018

3-Ingredients Homemade Ice Cream

Saw this simple recipe that can create many different flavours of ice cream from this ice cream base! So simple and actually I have seen this recipe many times but didnt know that I can use it as a base! And after telling the kids, they have been bugging me and asking me to get the ingredients, as well as the disposable paper tubs for it!

So off we went to SKP, I got the smallest size available as it is simple to jus take 1 small portion out and throw away once you are done. And also they can make many ‘flavours’ from the base. Its not very expensive. Cost $4.40 for the cups and another $1 for the lids. Its in a pack of 50s so it calls for many ice cream making session!

Simple toppings were requested for. So I put in a few small jars for easy access to top the ice cream with. And I got a small pack of organic mixed berries at $7.95 and use it for the Mixed berries flavour. Jus squash them when slightly thaw and you get ur fruit puree! M&Ms, Colourful sprinkles, Mixed fruits puree, Marshmallow, Chocolate bits (leftover from mochi making), Oreo, Cookies & Belvita! 

So I whipped up my base. Supposed to be 2-Ingredients as you can add flavours to them individually after whipping up the base but I decided to make it Vanilla base so I added 1 more ingredients and call it 3-Ingredients! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Whipping cream, Vanilla Paste and Condensed milk. And I reduce the ingredients accordingly so I wont have leftover from the condensed milk too!

Kids having so much fun. Cutting up marshmallows! Each got 3 cup to mix in and so happily adding drops of colourings to ‘colour’ their vanilla ice cream, toppings as they like and freezing them for dessert when it’s done! I made 2 cups with mixed berries and top with crushed belvita!

We tried them after 4hrs exactly. Too bad still a bit soft. But the texture looks promising and taste is yummy!! I think we need waffle and ice cream tml!! ❤️❤️

3-Ingredients Ice Cream (adapted from Bigger Bolder Baking)
340ml whipping cream (I used Redman All Purpose Whipping cream)
300ml Condensed Milk (Dutch lady 35% less fat), keep it cold before using
1/2Tbsp Vanilla Paste (Redman)

1) Whip cream to stiff peaks in clean mixing bowl
2) Add vanilla paste and mix to combine
3) Add in condensed milk and whip top thick n fluffy. 
4) Add accordingly the toppings you wan and freeze them for 4hrs or overnight before serving. Have fun!