Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lapis Sagu II - Trial 1

Today I am using a different recipe to try the difference between using 2 types of flour (Tapioca, rice flour) and 4 types of flour (Tapioca, Sago, Mung bean, Rice flour). Been very curious to see what the flour will affect the Lapis! 

Ok so my older recipe rhat I follow previously yield sticker texture but I am using only Ayam Brand Trim Coconut Milk and the coconut taste is stronger. Today I am using Alan’s recipe and based on his, he use a mix of coconut cream & coconut milk. I am using Kara coconut cream and JW coconut milk as shown below. To my disappointment, the coconut fragrance is not enough which I feel can be stronger. And I cut on the sugar as we prefer less sweet, I think its just nice today. Texturewise, it is ‘sturdier’ and less sticky, I can peel off layer easily as well. I think I will definitely stick to this recipe in future but I need work on my coconut ratio 💪🏻💪🏻

The colour turns out better but I still need to work on the layering. Took me about 1hr+ from start of steaming til end. Left it to cool for about 2-3hrs then slice them with an ‘oiled’ knife. Just in time for Tea today! ❤️❤️

Lapis Sagu (halve recipe, adapted from TravellingFoodies)
240g Tapioca Flour
75g Sago Flour
18g Mung Bean Flour
25g Rice Flour
Pinch of Salt
200g Coconut Milk
160g Coconut Cream

220g Sugar
500g Water
Reasonable amount of Pandan Leaves
*Add enough water after boiling to make 750ml water

1) Mix all the flour together and sift. Stir in coconut mixture bit by bit.
2) Bring water, pandan leaves and sugar to boil. Add enough water to make 750ml
3) Stir in hot mixture to flour, mix well.
4) Put steamer to boil. Grease rectangular pan. 
5) Scoop 3 spoonful of mixture (number lf scopp depends on the amount of mixture needed to fill 1 layer) Add drops of colourings and pour into pan. Steam for 5-7mins, til set. 
6) Always check layer is set before adding in next layer. Repeat (5) until all layers are done. 
7) Cool for at least 7-8 hrs as recommended by Alan, but I always cant wait so long. Slice with an ‘oiled’ knife. Seperate each slice with plastic wrap. 

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