Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Mochi with Chocolate filling

This week we did Mochi. Lots of scolding cos mummy a bit OCD as they goes directly into our mouth after moulding them. 😂😂 Mainly the boy who got them most as he doesnt have some ‘flair’ in wrapping them and thought the bigger the chocolate filling the better for him to eat! 🙊🙊 Ended up with messy and unable to ‘close’ mochi and chocolate oozing all over. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Nonetheless, they had some tries to wrap a couple, not much but like 3-4 of them to try out and have some experience of wrapping them. Most were unable to close up and seal. We only managed to wrap like 8-9 successful ones. We taste test after we done and left with 5 to keep for tea. 😬😬

I think we wrap a bit too thick, chocolate were huge. Dough could have been softer and chewier. Will definitely try them again. And both opt for their favourite colour - Green & Purple mochi.

Little boy helped to mix the dough before microwaving them. Was a bit tough to stir them well so i took over. But at least they know what it is all about to making a mochi. 

Happiest moment, having them over tea break with fruits on the sides! Helper love the taste of the chewy mochi and generous chocolate filling too! My boy pop the whole thing in his mouth and says the mochi exploded! Yums! My gal is more ‘fussy’ about her food and says the chocolate is yummy and delicious but could have do better with a thinner dough and softer in texture. 😂

Mochi, makes approx 8-9 balls (Mochi from Cookat)
100g Glutinous Rice Flour
50g Sugar
1tsp Salt
100ml hot water
Drops of colouring (optional) 

Chocolate Filling (from The Squishy Monster)
120ml  Whipping cream
115g Baking chocolate

1) Melt baking chocolate in warm whipping cream. Stir well to combine and put in freezer to chill for at least 2hrs. Cut into desired sizes and leave in fridge til needed.
2) Mix flour, sugar, salt in bowl. Add hot water and colourings and stir well. Microwave 1mins covered with cling wrap, remove and stir. Microwave again for 20-30seconds.
3) Remove dough and put on dusted baking paper. Roll and cut into appropriate sizes. Mould like a wanton wrapper and put chocolate cubes and pinch edges to seal. 

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