Friday, September 10, 2021

Homemade Ban Mian

Been wanting to make my own ban mian for the longest! Tonite decided to have a go since the recipe looks too easy not to try! 

The dough was not sticky and very easy to handle. Just cut into thin strips and further pull them thinner. No sweat! Lol! 

Best part was it took me barely an hour frm start to end to have a bowl of hot seafood ban mian to serve for dinner tonight! Definetely a keeper 😍

Homemade Ban Mian (adapted from cookidoo)
**I halve the recipe, good for 4pax portion
250g Plain flour
120g egg+water
20g oil
pinch of salt

1) Knead mode 2mins
2) Roll into a ball and rest for 10mins
3) Split into 4 portion and roll out thinly.
4) Cut into thin strips and further pull out each strips thinner
5) Put water in mixing bowl - 15mins, varoma, rv sp 0.5
6) Once boiling, cook noodles for 2-3 mins and set aside for use. 

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