Monday, August 19, 2024

Chickpea Chips

Decided to make my own chips for snacking, somethinf savoury and spicy. Been finding such healthier chips but their spice is always dissappointing. 

Saw this recipe when I randomly browsing on IG, lead me to this blog and all looks so interesting. This caught my attention and I decided to try and season it to the way I prefer.

Recipe says bake for 6mins. I baked 10mins for the first batch and the second batch i left it inside slightly longer and it seems more crispy n browned. I think I would go with a 12mins baking time the next round.

Flavour is jus nice. But for the spice gal I am, I think I will maybe add 0.5tsp more of chilli powder next round. Do try this recipe, I personally love it! 

Chickpea Chips
(reference to TheConsciousPlantKitchen)
120g chickpeas (I use organic chickpea and blend to fine)
30g olive oil
30g lukewarm water
1/2tsp sea salt

Flavour: 1tsp of garlic powder, blackpepper and chilli flakes each

1) Mix all ingredients together til it comes into a dough
(I use thermomix on turbo mode to blend til chickpeas are fine grain, added all the remaining ingredients and knead for 30seconds)
2) Roll half dough cut n cut into small squares, line them with space in between
3) Bake 180deg x 10mins
4) Cool thoroughly and store ib airtight container

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