Sunday, August 25, 2024

Peanut Butter Jam Muffin

Saw this interesting recipe way earlier and decided to try them today! I love peanut butter and jam and was curious to know how would they taste! And also, seeing that it used peanut butter as part of the recipe, I am really really so intrigued to know! 

I am using this peanut butter spread, love how creamy and smooth this is. Always yummy with my overnight oats and bread slices! Just the right taste I want when I am craving peanut butter. The strawberry preserve I am using was gifted by my lovely collit who got her hub to bring back from Germany! So sweet of her! I love it so much as it is natural sweetness with a slight tangy, not like our store-bought ones so sweet! 

While baking them, smells so so good! The peanut butter smell makes me so hungry! They rises nicely and some had the jam exposed on the top. 

This is how soft it is! Hub had 2 at a go and the kids love it so much. Hub says sweetness is just nice and asked for more jam next round. This is gonna be another frequent bakes for us!  

Peanut Butter Jelly Muffins
Recipe from Cookidoo, makes 12)
70g unsalted butter
200g Peanut butter (smooth)
85g Light brown sugar (Used 70g)
1 Egg
115g Yogurt (Accidentally added 130g)
130g Milk (Reduce to 110g as over add yogurt)
1tsp Vanilla
1tsp Baking powder
1/2tsp Baking soda
170g Plain flour
Pinch of salt
150g Strawberry Jam (I didnt weigh, just put small teapoon in the middle batter)

1) Add butter, peanut butter and sugar - 15sec speed 4
2) Add the remaining ingredient, except strawberry jam - 10sec speed 4
3) Scrap down and mix again - 5sec speed 4
4) Fill cupcake case to half and make a hole in middle of batter and put teaspoon of jam
5) Cover top with more batter
6) Bake 180deg x 22mins

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Rice Paper Rolls

Finally decided to try these air-fried rice paper rolls today! Saw a lot of rice paper ideas and have been wanting to try them as they are lower in carbs and looks so nutritious, especially when I know I do not need to deepfry them. 

This was my meal this evening, serving alongside some salad and homemade cheese pork balls which I will share the recipes soon. 

Can you hear how crispy they are? Although I didnt eat them inmediately, probably around 15-20mins later, they were still quite crispy. But of cos to enjoy them best, its good to serve them right out from the airfryer.

Rice Paper Rolls
8 Rice paper
Some leftover grilled chicken
Baby spinach
A round plate of water (for wetting rice paper)

1) Shred grill chicken into strips (or any filing you prefer) 
2) Wet rice paper in plate, swirl 1 tound quickly
3) Place baby spinach, chicken and roll them up quickly
4) Place wrappred rolls on airfryer paper
5) Brush the top lightly with oil
6) Airfry 180deg x 10mins, checking the crispiness at 5-6mins mark and flip them again to continue airfrying to the crisp you prefer
7) Serve warm. 

Protein Chiaseed Yogurt Jar


Saw this high protein chiaseed pudding on The Conscious Plant Kitchen and intrigued to try. So I decided to do something that I would love to have for dessert.

Decided to make then ahead for breakfast at work. Starting the day with a high protein meal so that it keeps me away from unneccesary snacking as well.

After recording down all the ingredients that I used to make this yogurt jar, 25g of protein worth. Yay! And it makes my breakfast so yummy, almost like having dessert for a meal. ❤️

My homemade coffee granola added a huge punch to the mildly chocolate flavoured from the protein powder. Its a wonderful combination. Do try it! 

Sidenote, probably my appetite is smaller. I would make into 2 portion for my next attempt and reduce the chiaseed portion to to 2/3 for 2 servings as I prefer a thinner layer for the chiaseed layer. I personally love the yogurt portion more and find it jus nice. 

Protein Chiaseed Yogurt Jar
(Inspiration from TheConsciousPlantKitchen)
20g Chiaseed
106ml Soy Milk
1tsp Honey
100g Hi-protein Yogurt
10g Chocolate Protein Powder
2 Weetbix
5g Unsweeten Cocoa Powder
30g Soy Milk
Homemade Granola

1) Mix chiaseed, soy milk and honey. Stir well and set aside. Stirring once a while to mix it up well
2) Mix yogurt and protein powder and set aside
3) Crushed 1 weetbix and mix with 30g soy milk and cocoa powder. Press it to bottom of container
4) Put chiaseed mixture in, it should be slightly thicker consistency already. 
5) Crushed 1/2 of weetbix on top of the chiaseed mixture layer
6) Pour yogurt mixture in and crushed remaining 1/2 weetbix on top and top with granola
7) Chill overnight. Eat cold as a dessert or a high protein breakfast

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Coffee Granola

Decided to fnally make my own coffee granola! Been looking for coffee granola and most of them are pricey, and the sugar level too. 

I mixed all the ingredients together and took the coffee from my favourite espresso capsule. Already excited to see the end products. Added all my favourite ingredients in my favourite coffee flavour. Yums!

Keeping them in a airtight container for snacks or as a topping with yogurt. Try it! You can also omit the coffee if you are not a fan or substitute with protein powder for a high protein snack, or even matcha powder or cocoa powder! Enjoy! 

Coffee Granola
100g rolled oats
30g chia seed
10g coffee powder (i use my espresso capsules)
30g pumpkin seeds
30g sunflower seed
30g almond/walnut mix
50g honey
23g coconut oil

1) Mix all the above til well combined
2) Spread them out on baking tray and bake 10-15mins x 160deg 
3) Stir them lightly and bake another 10mins
4) Cool them well and store in airtight container

Monday, August 19, 2024

Chickpea Chips

Decided to make my own chips for snacking, somethinf savoury and spicy. Been finding such healthier chips but their spice is always dissappointing. 

Saw this recipe when I randomly browsing on IG, lead me to this blog and all looks so interesting. This caught my attention and I decided to try and season it to the way I prefer.

Recipe says bake for 6mins. I baked 10mins for the first batch and the second batch i left it inside slightly longer and it seems more crispy n browned. I think I would go with a 12mins baking time the next round.

Flavour is jus nice. But for the spice gal I am, I think I will maybe add 0.5tsp more of chilli powder next round. Do try this recipe, I personally love it! 

Chickpea Chips
(reference to TheConsciousPlantKitchen)
120g chickpeas (I use organic chickpea and blend to fine)
30g olive oil
30g lukewarm water
1/2tsp sea salt

Flavour: 1tsp of garlic powder, blackpepper and chilli flakes each

1) Mix all ingredients together til it comes into a dough
(I use thermomix on turbo mode to blend til chickpeas are fine grain, added all the remaining ingredients and knead for 30seconds)
2) Roll half dough cut n cut into small squares, line them with space in between
3) Bake 180deg x 10mins
4) Cool thoroughly and store ib airtight container

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Simple Flammkuchen

So what is Flammkuchen? Its a crispy base without any pizza sauce base and topped with cheese, onions etc and bake directly. Its like another variation of pizza.

Today decided to do a easy dinner for the 3 kids since hub and myself are eating light. We baked some zucchini, made some sweet potato, corn & egg salad along with it.

This base i tried to roll as thin as I can as I love crusty base. And topped with some cheese sausage, tomato paste and parmesan block that I used my thermomix to blend for me too. See how nicely blended it is. I love that I can blend them into coarse grains ❤️

Simple Flammkuchen - my way
(Recipe from Cookidoo)
250g Plain flour
120g Water
30g Olive oil
Pinch of salt

Toppings: Tomato paste, Pamesan, Sausage

1) Put all ingredients for dough and knead 2mins
2) Wrap dough in cling wrap n rest for 30mins
3) Roll out n top with ingredients of my preference
4) Bake at 250deg x 15mins or til top is crispy and nicely charred

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Blueberry Coffee Cake

Today baked a Blueberry Coffee Cake for school snack. Been wanting to try this recipe and finally gotten some korean frozen blueberries that was on promo last weekend, just nice to use them for this! 

This recipe uses plain flour, but with the addition of yogurt, the whole cake is so soft. And no, it does not use any coffee, and my guess for the name is due to the cake is eaten during tea/coffee time? 

The topping is slightly sweet, which I think I will use only brown sugar for the next round and probably 2x of the flour so that there is more crumbly crumbs on top! I love struseel tops!!

The cake base itself is soft n moist. The tangy from the blueberries even out the whole cake. Totally love it! ❤️ Do give it a try. 

Blueberry Coffee Cake
(Recipe from Cookidoo, slight modifications)
2Tbsp butter
2.5oz sugar
2oz brown sugar
1oz plain flour
1tsp ground cinnamon
1/4tsp salt
1pinch ground nutmeg
1oz chopped pecans (i use walnut n almond)

Cake batter:
6oz yogurt
2oz olive oil
1tsp vanilla paste
2 eggs
8oz plain flour (keep 0.5z to toss blueberries)
1tsp baking powder
1/2tsp baking soda
1/2tsp salt
1pinch ground nutmeg
10oz blueberries (to be coated with 0.5z plain flour)

1) Add all toppings ingredients except nuts - 10s speed4
2) Repeat again
3) Add nuts - 2sec speed4 (i chop buts seperately from the strussel and repeat til i prefer the chopped sized)
Keep aside
4) Put all cake batter ingredients except blueberries - 15sec speed 4
5) Pour batter to greased tin, top with blueberries and then with strussel and lastly nuts
6) Bake at 180deg for 55mins

Monday, August 12, 2024

Baked Donuts

Decided to try this recipe that I have bookmarked for school snacks. And since youngest love donuts, baked ones seems less sinful and healthier to me. And of cos it doesnt need me to work out a oily kitchen, having to deepfry anything ❤️

After baking, they are so soft. Using satay sticks to help, I dip them in the melted chocolate and top with crushed oreos or pistcahio.  Each kids’ favourite toppings for school! 

The inside is soft n moist, taste like small little cakes. The chocolate coating enhance the flavour and it is not too sweet too. Try it! 

Next day for school, best way to brighten up a Monday ❤️

Baked Donuts
(recipe from Cookidoo, modified slightly)
2.5oz brown sugar
2oz olive oil
4oz plain flour
2tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
2pinch of nutmeg
4oz milk
1 egg

Dark choc convecture

1) Put sugar un mixing bowl - 10sec speed 9
2) Add rest of ingredients - 20sec speed 4
3) Scrap batter down and - 5sec speed 4
4) Rest 10 and pour into nonstick or grease donut pan
5) Bake 180deg x 12mins
6) Once they are cooled, dip in melted choc and top with preferred toppings or you can eat as it is! 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Fast & Easy Fried Noodles

Its the weekend! End of the week already and a new week is starting. Time really flies and its so scary, hahahha. 

Today decided to change my menu as it was raining the whole day since late morning. The weather is so cold and comfy that I even took a short nap before cooking dinner.

I have bookmarked this recipe for a while and since the cold weather has made me kinda lazy, what better day to cook this then. So here we go, and I was also craving some noodles (from watching too much Jinny Kitchen) 

I am using this noodles, as such I tweak the recipe a bit. If you are using those thicker kind of dry noodles then can consider to follow the cookidoo exactly. 

I love the seasoning of this noodles, it is jus nicely flavoured and not overly salty. With the non-fried noodles, I am quite comfortable to cook them once a while for the family as an indulgence ❤️

Fast & Easy Fried Noodles
(Recipe from Cookidoo, slight modifications)
30g Light soy sauce
30g Oyster sauce
10g Dark soy sauce
1 whole Garlic
30g Olive oil (I used 20g olive and 10g sesame oil)
1 pkt Baby Kailan
300g Shrimps
150g Minced pork
5 portion Koka non-fried noodles

1) Set kettle to cook with 1L of water - Kettle mode
2) Put noodles in and cook for 3mins, stirring halfway. Drain and set aside - 3mins 100deg reverse spoon
3) Add garlic to mixing bowl - 5 sec, speed 5
4) Add cooking oil - 3mins 120deg spoon speed 
5) Add vegetables, minced pork & shrimps - 4mins, varoma, spoon speed
6) Add in cooked noodles and toss slightly - 2mins, varoma, spoon speed

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Double Chocolate Chip Muffins

Was in a super Friday mood. Last min browse through and decided to bake these for the kids. Am sure the chocolate and oreos will bring a big smile to their face. Important is I love all recipes that is fast without much fuss and suits my busy schedule daily! 

Added extra crushed oreos for the kids cos ITS FRIDAY! Woohooooo! Who can resist chocolate n oreo! Smell so good when they are baking in the oven! 

Its really soft n smell so good! Fast to mix it up! ❤️

Double Chocolate Chip Recipe
Recipe from TeamAKK
75g Butter
80g Sugar
155g Self-raisinf flour
20g Cocoa powder
190g Milk
1 Egg
1/4tsp Baking sida
100g Chocolate chips (i added crushed oreo on top)

1) Melt butter - 3mins 60deg speed3
2) Add all balance ingredients except chocolate chips - 5sec speed5
3) Add chocolate chips - 5sec speed4
4) Fill batter 2/3 full and top with additional crushed oreo
5) Bake at 200deg x 18mins