Friday, July 26, 2013

Bake Along #48 - Apple & Blueberries Fruit Buckle

I was wondering what is Fruit Buckle when I saw the next Bake Along theme was that. I googled and realized that it is actually similar to Butter cake, with fruits and topped with crumble toppings. It looks interesting and reminds me of all the crumble cupcakes I did recently.

I decided to use apples & blueberries cos hubby bought some small apples that was slightly sour, so I tot I shall use them up. Together with blueberries, it should be a great combination. It's a very straight forward recipe, easy to make and smells great while baking in the oven. Mmmm.....

Verdict: It is soft and moist, fragrant buttery cake base. I think I added too much apples cos seems like fruits is 70% and cake only 30%. As I slice, my apples kept on dropping... The soft soft apples doesn't taste sour now, it is kinda sweet sour. Very nice~ Perhaps next round I will use 1 apple instead of 2. Yummy treat for my relatives...

I'm submitting my post to Bake-Along with the theme 'Fruit Buckle' hosted by Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids, Joyce from Kitchen Flavours and Lena from Frozen Wings.

Apple & Blueberries Buckle (modified from ChallengeDiary)
113g Butter
1Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1tsp Vanilla
1 1/2Cup Cake Flour
1Cup Blueberries
2 Apples, cubes

113g Butter
1/2Cup Brown Sugar
6Tbsp Flour
1tsp Cinnamon Powder

1) Mix above toppings til resemble breadcrumbs, leave aside. Cream butter & sugar til light.
2) Add eggs & vanilla. Fold in flour & mix in fruits. Spread toppings on top of cake batter.
3) Bake 180deg for 40-50mins.
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kitchen flavours said...

Hi Priscilla,
Lovely, with apples! Apples and blueberries combination sounds interesting and yummy!
Thank you for baking along with us!
Hope you have a great weekend!

Baking Diary said...

Your cake looks pale compared to the others, but I like your fruits combination:)

Unknown said...

Apples and bluberries buckle from Priscilla - love the combination too.

Unknown said...

Wish you have a lovely weekend.

Zoe said...

Hi Priscilla,

I think you did the right thing having more fruits than batter baking your buckle. This sounds like a tongue twister whenever I say this: If your fruits are all intact within a buckle, this means that you have successfully buckle your fruits in your buckle - LOL!


lena said...

hi priscilla, when i first read about what a buckle is , it says that it is heavily loaded with fruits so like what zoe said, you did the right thing but of course by the end of the day, we make something that we prefer most. The last picture looks really tempting with the moist cake and juicy fruits! thx for baking along with us, see ya!