Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Century Egg & Shrimp ball Porridge (Slow cook)

Wanted to pop out for a while so decided to slow cook porridge for lunch. Adding century egg and shrimp balls for today’s porridge. 

Added some seaweed for the kids and youtiao for the adults. Simple and yummy lunch for all! 

Century Egg & Shrimp ball Porridge
8 cups water (I add 300ml of homemade chicken broth then top up balance with water)
150g Shrimp paste
2 Century eggs
15 dried scallops, soak overnight and add to porridge
Sesame oil

1) Saute mode Hi. Add rice and water to pot and bring to a boil. 
2) Add in chopped ccentury eggs & shrimp paste (squeeze into little balls.
3) Slow cook mode x4hrs
4) Saute mode Hi, add chicken powder to taste if needed. Drizzle some sesame oil and pepper before serving ❤️

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